Ei sisällä
Näytä kampanjatuotteet
6 24 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g
Lisää vaihtoehtoja
11 24 x Pro Brands Proteinbar 45 g
Lisää vaihtoehtoja
12 12 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g
Lisää vaihtoehtoja
1 12 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g White Choco & Caramel
14 Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g
Lisää vaihtoehtoja
alkaen €2 alkaen €2.40
13 Pro Brands Proteinbar 45 g
Lisää vaihtoehtoja
Tuote 14 sta 14
$VAR1 = { 'html' => "Pro Brands on ruotsalainen, Lundissa sijaitseva yritys, joka on ty\x{f6}skennellyt vuodesta 2009 l\x{e4}htien juomien ja elintarvikkeiden parissa. Pro Brandsill\x{e4} on kattava valikoima erilaisia virkist\x{e4}vi\x{e4} ja funktionaalisia juomia, kuten Wolverine-energiajuoma, Pro Brands BCAA:lla ja todella suositut AloeVera-juomat. Pro Brands ei valmista vain juomia, vaan lis\x{e4}ksi my\x{f6}s terveellisi\x{e4} proteiinipatukoita ja sipsej\x{e4}.", 'vig_html' => undef, 'products' => [ bless( { 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-52832_1.jpg?m=1619516879' } }, 'price_max' => '52.90', 'property_logos' => { '70' => {}, '61' => {}, '74' => {}, '57' => {}, '52' => {}, '58' => {}, '85' => {}, '69' => {}, '60' => {}, '64' => {} }, 'type' => 'SA', 'text' => "Pro Brands Big Bite on laajennus suositulle tuotteelle \"Pro Brands Protein Bar\" ja se on saatavilla makuina \"Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake ja Toffee Peanut\". Se on ylellisempi ja kermaisempi vaihtoehto edelt\x{e4}j\x{e4}lleen.

  • Eritt\x{e4}in herkullinen
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Terveellinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite sopii erinomaisesti terveellisemm\x{e4}ksi vaihtoehdoksi tavallisille suklaapatukoille. Sen 33% proteiinipitoisuus tekee siit\x{e4} sopivan niin treenin j\x{e4}lkeen kuin silloin kun haluaa jotain todella herkullista ilman \"terveellisyyden\" uhraamista.

Koko: 45 g.", 'vat_id' => '2', 'categories' => [ { 'id' => '192', 'name' => 'Patukat' }, { 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet', 'id' => '200' }, { 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat', 'id' => '215' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjat', 'id' => '581' }, { 'id' => '708', 'name' => '' } ], 'formatted' => { 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}52.90", 'price' => "\x{20ac}52.90", 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}57.60" }, 'raw' => { 'price_recommended' => '57.60', 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'price' => '52.90' }, 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'position' => 0, 'campaign' => 0, 'property' => { '52' => [ '24 kpl' ], '66' => '', '61' => [ 'Kasvata lihaksia' ], '60' => [ 'Aspartaami', 'Gelatiini' ], '63' => '', '54' => '', '58' => [], '74' => [ '0' ], '88' => '', '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '8' => '', '75' => '', '62' => '', '56' => '', '33' => '', '51' => '', '50' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '57' => [ 'Valkosuklaa', "Hasselp\x{e4}hkin\x{e4}" ], '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '76' => '', '71' => '' }, 'buyable' => 1, 'availability_id' => 1, 'price' => '52.90', 'text_short' => "Big Bite voi olla \"terveellinen vaihtoehto tavallisille suklaapatukoille\".Sen 33% proteiinipitoisuus sopii sek\x{e4} treenin j\x{e4}lkeen ett\x{e4} silloin kun haluaa vain jotain todella herkullista!", 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'create_time' => 1619516691, 'id' => 'PB-52832', 'title' => '24 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g White Choco & Caramel', 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 4, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-52832_S.jpg?m=1619516880', 'campaign_info' => { 'orderrow' => { 'title' => undef, 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'id' => undef }, 'xy' => [], 'gwp' => { 'gifts' => [], 'conditions' => [ { 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0, 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' }, { 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' } ] }, 'order' => { 'title' => '', 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => 0, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef } }, 'default_group' => {}, 'price_recommended' => '57.60', 'url' => '/fi/24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-white-choco-caramel', 'friendly' => '24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-white-choco-caramel', 'variations' => [], 'brand' => { 'id' => '72', 'product_text' => undef, 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'property_links' => { '70' => [], '74' => [], '61' => [], '57' => [], '52' => [], '58' => [], '85' => [], '69' => [], '60' => [], '64' => [] }, 'product_vat' => '1.1400' }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'campaign' => 0, 'position' => 1, 'price' => '52.90', 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'property' => { '76' => '', '71' => '', '57' => '', '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '50' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '62' => '', '56' => '', '33' => '', '51' => '', '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '8' => '', '75' => '', '88' => '', '74' => [ '0' ], '60' => '', '54' => '', '63' => '', '58' => [], '52' => '', '66' => '', '61' => [ 'Kasvata lihaksia', 'Palautuminen' ] }, 'buyable' => 1, 'availability_id' => 1, 'type' => 'SA', 'property_logos' => { '64' => {}, '85' => {}, '69' => {}, '58' => {}, '74' => {}, '61' => {}, '70' => {} }, 'price_max' => '52.90', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-42333_1.jpg?m=1675254621' } }, 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'formatted' => { 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}52.90", 'price' => "\x{20ac}52.90", 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}57.60" }, 'categories' => [ { 'name' => 'Patukat', 'id' => '192' }, { 'id' => '200', 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet' }, { 'id' => '215', 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjat', 'id' => '330' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjat', 'id' => '581' }, { 'id' => '708', 'name' => '' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjer NO', 'id' => '822' } ], 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

45 g.
', 'vat_id' => '2', 'raw' => { 'price' => '52.90', 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'price_recommended' => '57.60' }, 'price_recommended' => '57.60', 'default_group' => {}, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-42333_S.jpg?m=1675254623', 'campaign_info' => { 'orderrow' => { 'start_time' => undef, 'discount' => undef, 'title' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef }, 'order' => { 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'start_time' => 0, 'discount' => undef, 'title' => '' }, 'xy' => [], 'gwp' => { 'conditions' => [ { 'title' => 'Checkout Deals', 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1 }, { 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0, 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' } ], 'gifts' => [] } }, 'variations' => [], 'property_links' => { '58' => [], '85' => [], '69' => [], '64' => [], '70' => [], '61' => [], '74' => [] }, 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'brand' => { 'product_text' => undef, 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'id' => '72', 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'friendly' => '24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-almond-brownie-vanilla', 'url' => '/fi/24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-almond-brownie-vanilla', 'id' => 'PB-42333', 'create_time' => 1675247916, 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 0, 'title' => '24 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g Almond Brownie Vanilla' }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'friendly' => '24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-cookies-cream', 'url' => '/fi/24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-cookies-cream', 'variations' => [], 'property_links' => { '64' => [], '85' => [], '69' => [], '58' => [], '57' => [], '74' => [], '61' => [], '70' => [] }, 'product_vat' => '1.2400', 'brand' => { 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'product_text' => undef, 'id' => '72', 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-58112_S.jpg?m=1675254656', 'campaign_info' => { 'orderrow' => { 'title' => undef, 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef }, 'xy' => [], 'order' => { 'title' => '', 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => 0, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef }, 'gwp' => { 'conditions' => [ { 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' }, { 'title' => 'Checkout Deals', 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0 } ], 'gifts' => [] } }, 'default_group' => {}, 'price_recommended' => '57.60', 'title' => '24 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g Cookies & Cream', 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 2, 'create_time' => 1675246671, 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'id' => 'PB-58112', 'buyable' => 1, 'property' => { '56' => '', '51' => '', '33' => '', '62' => '', '50' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '57' => [ 'Cookies & Cream' ], '76' => '', '71' => '', '66' => '', '61' => [ 'Kasvata lihaksia', 'Palautuminen' ], '52' => '', '58' => [], '60' => '', '54' => '', '63' => '', '88' => '', '74' => [ '0' ], '8' => '', '75' => '', '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ] }, 'availability_id' => 1, 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'price' => '52.90', 'position' => 2, 'campaign' => 0, 'categories' => [ { 'name' => 'Patukat', 'id' => '192' }, { 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet', 'id' => '200' }, { 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat', 'id' => '215' }, { 'id' => '330', 'name' => 'Kampanjat' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjat', 'id' => '581' }, { 'name' => '', 'id' => '708' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjer NO', 'id' => '822' } ], 'formatted' => { 'price' => "\x{20ac}52.90", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}52.90", 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}57.60" }, 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

45 g.
', 'vat_id' => '1', 'raw' => { 'price_recommended' => '57.60', 'price' => '52.90', 'price_regular' => '52.90' }, 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'price_max' => '52.90', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-58112_1.jpg?m=1675254654' } }, 'type' => 'SA', 'property_logos' => { '69' => {}, '85' => {}, '64' => {}, '58' => {}, '57' => {}, '70' => {}, '61' => {}, '74' => {} } }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'position' => 3, 'campaign' => 0, 'availability_id' => 1, 'property' => { '62' => '', '51' => '', '33' => '', '56' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '50' => '', '57' => '', '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '71' => '', '76' => '', '52' => '', '61' => [ 'Kasvata lihaksia', 'Palautuminen' ], '66' => '', '54' => '', '63' => '', '60' => '', '58' => [], '88' => '', '74' => [ '0' ], '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '75' => '', '8' => '' }, 'buyable' => 1, 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'price' => '52.90', 'price_max' => '52.90', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-74577_1.jpg?m=1675666143' } }, 'type' => 'SA', 'property_logos' => { '64' => {}, '85' => {}, '69' => {}, '58' => {}, '74' => {}, '61' => {}, '70' => {} }, 'raw' => { 'price' => '52.90', 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'price_recommended' => '57.60' }, 'categories' => [ { 'name' => 'Patukat', 'id' => '192' }, { 'id' => '200', 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet' }, { 'id' => '215', 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat' }, { 'id' => '581', 'name' => 'Kampanjat' }, { 'id' => '708', 'name' => '' } ], 'formatted' => { 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}57.60", 'price' => "\x{20ac}52.90", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}52.90" }, 'vat_id' => '2', 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

45 g.
', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'campaign_info' => { 'xy' => [], 'order' => { 'id' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => 0, 'title' => '' }, 'gwp' => { 'gifts' => [], 'conditions' => [ { 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' }, { 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' } ] }, 'orderrow' => { 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'title' => undef, 'start_time' => undef, 'discount' => undef } }, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-74577_S.jpg?m=1675666144', 'price_recommended' => '57.60', 'default_group' => {}, 'friendly' => '24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-salted-caramel', 'url' => '/fi/24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-salted-caramel', 'property_links' => { '70' => [], '61' => [], '74' => [], '58' => [], '85' => [], '69' => [], '64' => [] }, 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'brand' => { 'id' => '72', 'product_text' => undef, 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'variations' => [], 'create_time' => 1675253283, 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'id' => 'PB-74577', 'title' => '24 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g Salted Caramel', 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 1 }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'formatted' => { 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}57.60", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}52.90", 'price' => "\x{20ac}52.90" }, 'categories' => [ { 'id' => '192', 'name' => 'Patukat' }, { 'id' => '200', 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet' }, { 'id' => '215', 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat' }, { 'id' => '306', 'name' => 'Suurpakkaukset' }, { 'id' => '548', 'name' => 'Osta teeman mukaan' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjat', 'id' => '581' }, { 'name' => '', 'id' => '708' } ], 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

24x45 g.
', 'vat_id' => '2', 'raw' => { 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'price' => '52.90', 'price_recommended' => '57.60' }, 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'price_max' => '52.90', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-9825_1.jpg?m=1582703700', '2' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-9825_2.jpg?m=1614341476', '3' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-9825_3.jpg?m=1619516662' } }, 'type' => 'SA', 'property_logos' => { '64' => {}, '50' => {}, '69' => {}, '85' => {}, '60' => {}, '74' => {}, '52' => {} }, 'property' => { '71' => '', '76' => '', '70' => '', '57' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '50' => [ '1' ], '33' => '', '51' => '', '56' => '', '62' => '', '75' => '', '8' => '', '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '74' => [ '0' ], '88' => '', '58' => '', '63' => '', '54' => '', '60' => [ 'Aspartaami', 'Gelatiini' ], '61' => '', '66' => '', '52' => [ '24 kpl' ] }, 'buyable' => 1, 'availability_id' => 1, 'price' => '52.90', 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'position' => 4, 'campaign' => 0, 'title' => '24 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g', 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 6, 'create_time' => 1447840918, 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'id' => 'PB-9825', 'friendly' => '24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g', 'url' => '/fi/24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g', 'variations' => [], 'property_links' => { '50' => [], '85' => [], '60' => [], '69' => [], '64' => [], '52' => [], '74' => [] }, 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'brand' => { 'product_text' => undef, 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'id' => '72', 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-9825_S.jpg?m=1582703705', 'campaign_info' => { 'orderrow' => { 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'title' => undef, 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => undef }, 'gwp' => { 'conditions' => [ { 'title' => 'Checkout Deals', 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0 }, { 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' } ], 'gifts' => [] }, 'xy' => [], 'order' => { 'title' => '', 'start_time' => 0, 'discount' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef } }, 'price_recommended' => '57.60', 'default_group' => {} }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'position' => 5, 'campaign' => 0, 'availability_id' => 1, 'property' => { '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '8' => '', '75' => '', '88' => '', '74' => [ '0' ], '60' => '', '54' => '', '63' => '', '58' => [], '52' => [ 'Sekoituslaatikko' ], '66' => '', '61' => [ 'Kasvata lihaksia', 'Palautuminen' ], '76' => '', '71' => '', '57' => '', '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '50' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '62' => '', '56' => '', '33' => '', '51' => '' }, 'buyable' => 1, 'text_short' => 'Hyvät proteiinipatukat, joissa on jopa 17,1 g proteiinia patukkaa kohden. Täydellinen lihasten rakentamiseen ja palautumiseen', 'price' => '35.52', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-49942_1.jpg?m=1677742383' } }, 'price_max' => '35.52', 'property_logos' => { '52' => {}, '70' => {}, '74' => {}, '61' => {}, '85' => {}, '69' => {}, '64' => {}, '58' => {} }, 'type' => 'SA', 'raw' => { 'price' => '35.52', 'price_regular' => '35.52' }, 'vat_id' => '2', 'text' => 'Pro Bands Protein Barin etu:
  • 17,1 g proteiinia patukkaa kohden.
  • Vain 150 kcal.
  • Minimaalisesti sokeria.
  • Hyvä lihaksille.

Palauta lihaksesi tehokkaalla proteiinipatukalla, joka maistuu hyvältä.

Käytä välipalana tai harjoituksen jälkeen.

45 g
', 'formatted' => { 'price' => "\x{20ac}35.52", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}35.52" }, 'categories' => [ { 'id' => '192', 'name' => 'Patukat' }, { 'id' => '200', 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet' }, { 'id' => '215', 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjat', 'id' => '581' }, { 'name' => '', 'id' => '708' } ], 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'price_regular' => '35.52', 'campaign_info' => { 'gwp' => { 'gifts' => [], 'conditions' => [ { 'title' => 'Checkout Deals', 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106 }, { 'title' => 'Checkout Deals', 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0 } ] }, 'xy' => [], 'order' => { 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'title' => '', 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => 0 }, 'orderrow' => { 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'title' => undef, 'start_time' => undef, 'discount' => undef } }, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-49942_S.jpg?m=1677742384', 'default_group' => {}, 'url' => '/fi/24-x-pro-brands-proteinbar-45-g-mixpack', 'friendly' => '24-x-pro-brands-proteinbar-45-g-mixpack', 'brand' => { 'id' => '72', 'product_text' => undef, 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'property_links' => { '52' => [], '70' => [], '74' => [], '61' => [], '85' => [], '69' => [], '64' => [], '58' => [] }, 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'variations' => [], 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'create_time' => 1677741935, 'id' => 'PB-49942', 'title' => '24 x Pro Brands Proteinbar 45 g Mixpack', 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 33 }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'default_group' => {}, 'price_recommended' => '36.00', 'campaign_info' => { 'orderrow' => { 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'title' => undef, 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => undef }, 'xy' => [], 'order' => { 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'title' => '', 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => 0 }, 'gwp' => { 'conditions' => [ { 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' }, { 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' } ], 'gifts' => [] } }, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-5222_S.jpg?m=1582698087', 'brand' => { 'id' => '72', 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'product_text' => undef, 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'property_links' => { '60' => [], '69' => [], '85' => [], '50' => [], '64' => [], '52' => [], '70' => [], '74' => [] }, 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'variations' => [], 'url' => '/fi/24-x-pro-brands-proteinbar-45-g', 'friendly' => '24-x-pro-brands-proteinbar-45-g', 'id' => 'PB-5222', 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'create_time' => 1540556395, 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 11, 'title' => '24 x Pro Brands Proteinbar 45 g', 'campaign' => 0, 'position' => 6, 'price' => '34.90', 'text_short' => 'Hyvät proteiinipatukat, joissa on jopa 17,1 g proteiinia patukkaa kohden. Täydellinen lihasten rakentamiseen ja palautumiseen', 'availability_id' => 1, 'buyable' => 1, 'property' => { '57' => '', '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '76' => '', '71' => '', '62' => '', '56' => '', '33' => '', '51' => '', '50' => [ '1' ], '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '88' => '', '74' => [ '0' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '8' => '', '75' => '', '52' => [ '24 kpl' ], '66' => '', '61' => '', '60' => [ 'Aspartaami', 'Gelatiini' ], '63' => '', '54' => '', '58' => '' }, 'property_logos' => { '50' => {}, '85' => {}, '60' => {}, '69' => {}, '64' => {}, '70' => {}, '74' => {}, '52' => {} }, 'type' => 'SA', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '4' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-5222_4.jpg?m=1582698123', '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-5222_1.jpg?m=1582698086', '3' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-5222_3.jpg?m=1582698117', '2' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-5222_2.jpg?m=1582698111' } }, 'price_max' => '34.90', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'price_regular' => '34.90', 'raw' => { 'price_recommended' => '36.00', 'price_regular' => '34.90', 'price' => '34.90' }, 'vat_id' => '2', 'text' => 'Pro Bands Protein Barin etu:
  • 17,1 g proteiinia patukkaa kohden.
  • Vain 150 kcal.
  • Minimaalisesti sokeria.
  • Hyvä lihaksille.

Palauta lihaksesi tehokkaalla proteiinipatukalla, joka maistuu hyvältä.

Käytä välipalana tai harjoituksen jälkeen.

24x45 g
', 'categories' => [ { 'name' => 'Patukat', 'id' => '192' }, { 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet', 'id' => '200' }, { 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat', 'id' => '215' }, { 'id' => '306', 'name' => 'Suurpakkaukset' }, { 'name' => 'Osta teeman mukaan', 'id' => '548' }, { 'id' => '581', 'name' => 'Kampanjat' }, { 'name' => '', 'id' => '708' } ], 'formatted' => { 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}36.00", 'price' => "\x{20ac}34.90", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}34.90" } }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'create_time' => 1483200013, 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'id' => 'PB-23532', 'title' => '12 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g', 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 12, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-23532_S.jpg?m=1582703589', 'campaign_info' => { 'xy' => [], 'order' => { 'start_time' => 0, 'discount' => undef, 'title' => '', 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef }, 'gwp' => { 'conditions' => [ { 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' }, { 'title' => 'Checkout Deals', 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0, 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1 } ], 'gifts' => [] }, 'orderrow' => { 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => undef, 'title' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef } }, 'price_recommended' => '28.80', 'default_group' => {}, 'friendly' => '12-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g', 'url' => '/fi/12-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g', 'variations' => [], 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'property_links' => { '50' => [], '60' => [], '85' => [], '69' => [], '64' => [], '52' => [], '58' => [], '70' => [], '74' => [] }, 'brand' => { 'id' => '72', 'product_text' => undef, 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'price_max' => '27.90', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '3' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-23532_3.jpg?m=1582703607', '2' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-23532_2.jpg?m=1582703602', '4' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-23532_4.jpg?m=1619516618', '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-23532_1.jpg?m=1582703581' } }, 'type' => 'SA', 'property_logos' => { '58' => {}, '70' => {}, '74' => {}, '50' => {}, '85' => {}, '60' => {}, '69' => {}, '64' => {}, '52' => {} }, 'categories' => [ { 'id' => '192', 'name' => 'Patukat' }, { 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet', 'id' => '200' }, { 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat', 'id' => '215' }, { 'name' => 'Suurpakkaukset', 'id' => '306' }, { 'id' => '548', 'name' => 'Osta teeman mukaan' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjat', 'id' => '581' }, { 'id' => '708', 'name' => '' } ], 'formatted' => { 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}27.90", 'price' => "\x{20ac}27.90", 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}28.80" }, 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

12x45 g.
', 'vat_id' => '2', 'raw' => { 'price_regular' => '27.90', 'price' => '27.90', 'price_recommended' => '28.80' }, 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'price_regular' => '27.90', 'position' => 7, 'campaign' => 0, 'property' => { '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '8' => '', '75' => '', '74' => [ '0' ], '88' => '', '60' => [ 'Aspartaami', 'Gelatiini' ], '54' => '', '63' => '', '58' => [], '52' => [ '12 kpl' ], '66' => '', '61' => '', '76' => '', '71' => '', '57' => '', '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '50' => [ '1' ], '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '62' => '', '56' => '', '51' => '', '33' => '' }, 'buyable' => 1, 'availability_id' => 1, 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'price' => '27.90' }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 7, 'title' => '12 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g Mix-laatikko', 'id' => 'PB-318191', 'create_time' => 1672394718, 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'variations' => [], 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'property_links' => { '52' => [], '70' => [], '74' => [], '61' => [], '85' => [], '69' => [], '64' => [], '58' => [] }, 'brand' => { 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'product_text' => undef, 'id' => '72', 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'friendly' => '12-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-2', 'url' => '/fi/12-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-2', 'default_group' => {}, 'price_recommended' => '28.80', 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-318191_S.jpg?m=1672649977', 'campaign_info' => { 'orderrow' => { 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => undef, 'title' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef }, 'xy' => [], 'order' => { 'title' => '', 'start_time' => 0, 'discount' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef }, 'gwp' => { 'conditions' => [ { 'title' => 'Checkout Deals', 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1 }, { 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' } ], 'gifts' => [] } }, 'price_regular' => '27.90', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'formatted' => { 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}28.80", 'price' => "\x{20ac}27.90", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}27.90" }, 'categories' => [ { 'id' => '192', 'name' => 'Patukat' }, { 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet', 'id' => '200' }, { 'id' => '215', 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat' }, { 'name' => 'Kampanjat', 'id' => '581' }, { 'id' => '708', 'name' => '' } ], 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

45 g.
', 'vat_id' => '2', 'raw' => { 'price_recommended' => '28.80', 'price' => '27.90', 'price_regular' => '27.90' }, 'type' => 'SA', 'property_logos' => { '58' => {}, '69' => {}, '85' => {}, '64' => {}, '70' => {}, '74' => {}, '61' => {}, '52' => {} }, 'price_max' => '27.90', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-318191_1.jpg?m=1672649981' } }, 'price' => '27.90', 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'buyable' => 1, 'property' => { '62' => '', '56' => '', '33' => '', '51' => '', '50' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '57' => '', '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '76' => '', '71' => '', '52' => [ 'Sekoituslaatikko' ], '66' => '', '61' => [ 'Kasvata lihaksia', 'Palautuminen' ], '60' => '', '63' => '', '54' => '', '58' => [], '74' => [ '0' ], '88' => '', '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '8' => '', '75' => '' }, 'availability_id' => 1, 'campaign' => 0, 'position' => 8 }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'price_max' => '27.90', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-18418_1.jpg?m=1691053078' } }, 'type' => 'SA', 'property_logos' => { '64' => {}, '69' => {}, '58' => {}, '57' => {}, '74' => {}, '70' => {} }, 'formatted' => { 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}28.80", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}27.90", 'price' => "\x{20ac}27.90" }, 'categories' => [ { 'id' => '192', 'name' => 'Patukat' }, { 'id' => '200', 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet' }, { 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat', 'id' => '215' }, { 'id' => '581', 'name' => 'Kampanjat' }, { 'name' => '', 'id' => '708' } ], 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

45 g.
', 'vat_id' => '2', 'raw' => { 'price_recommended' => '28.80', 'price_regular' => '27.90', 'price' => '27.90' }, 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'price_regular' => '27.90', 'position' => 9, 'campaign' => 0, 'buyable' => 1, 'property' => { '66' => '', '61' => '', '52' => '', '58' => [], '60' => '', '63' => '', '54' => '', '88' => '', '74' => [ '0' ], '8' => '', '75' => '', '85' => '', '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '56' => '', '33' => '', '51' => '', '62' => '', '50' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '57' => [ 'Salted Caramel' ], '76' => '', '71' => '' }, 'availability_id' => 1, 'price' => '27.90', 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'create_time' => 1691052837, 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'id' => 'PB-18418', 'title' => '12 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g Salted Caramel', 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 3, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-18418_S.jpg?m=1691053079', 'campaign_info' => { 'orderrow' => { 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'title' => undef, 'start_time' => undef, 'discount' => undef }, 'xy' => [], 'gwp' => { 'gifts' => [], 'conditions' => [ { 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' }, { 'title' => 'Checkout Deals', 'id' => 106, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0 } ] }, 'order' => { 'start_time' => 0, 'discount' => undef, 'title' => '', 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef } }, 'default_group' => {}, 'price_recommended' => '28.80', 'friendly' => '12-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-salted-caramel', 'url' => '/fi/12-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-salted-caramel', 'variations' => [], 'property_links' => { '58' => [], '69' => [], '64' => [], '70' => [], '74' => [], '57' => [] }, 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'brand' => { 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands', 'product_text' => undef, 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'id' => '72' } }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'buyable' => 1, 'property' => { '50' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '62' => '', '56' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '33' => '', '51' => '', '76' => '', '71' => '', '57' => [ 'Valkosuklaa', "Hasselp\x{e4}hkin\x{e4}" ], '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '60' => [ 'Aspartaami', 'Gelatiini' ], '63' => '', '54' => '', '58' => [], '52' => [ '12 kpl' ], '66' => '', '61' => [ 'Kasvata lihaksia' ], '85' => '', '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '8' => '', '75' => '', '88' => '', '74' => [ '13' ] }, 'availability_id' => 1, 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'price' => '24.20', 'position' => 10, 'campaign' => 1, 'formatted' => { 'lowest_price' => "\x{20ac}21.90", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}27.68", 'lowest_price_text' => "

Aiempi alin hinta

HUOM. Hinta on alin tuotteelle sovellettu hinta 1-30 p\x{e4}iv\x{e4}\x{e4} ennen nykyisen hinnan voimaan astumista. Poikkeuksena on, jos asteittain alennuksia on tehty, niin alin hinta n\x{e4}ytet\x{e4}\x{e4}n 1-30 p\x{e4}iv\x{e4}\x{e4} ennen ensimm\x{e4}ist\x{e4} hinnanalennusta.
", 'price' => "\x{20ac}24.20" }, 'categories' => [ { 'name' => 'Patukat', 'id' => '192' }, { 'id' => '200', 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet' }, { 'id' => '215', 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat' }, { 'id' => '581', 'name' => 'Kampanjat' }, { 'name' => '', 'id' => '708' }, { 'id' => '822', 'name' => 'Kampanjer NO' } ], 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

45 g.
', 'vat_id' => '1', 'raw' => { 'discount_percentage' => 13, 'lowest_price' => '21.90', 'price_regular' => '27.68', 'price' => '24.20' }, 'discount_percentage' => 13, 'price_regular' => '27.68', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'price_max' => '24.20', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-0203112_1.jpg?m=1694165730' } }, 'type' => 'SA', 'property_logos' => { '64' => {}, '60' => {}, '69' => {}, '58' => {}, '52' => {}, '57' => {}, '61' => {}, '74' => {}, '56' => {}, '70' => {} }, 'friendly' => '12-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-white-choco-caramel', 'url' => '/fi/12-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-white-choco-caramel', 'variations' => [], 'product_vat' => '1.2400', 'property_links' => { '58' => [], '64' => [], '69' => [], '60' => [], '61' => [], '74' => [], '70' => [], '56' => [], '52' => [], '57' => [] }, 'brand' => { 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands', 'id' => '72', 'product_text' => undef, 'name' => 'Pro Brands' }, 'image' => 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Aiempi alin hinta

alkaen \x{20ac}1.20
HUOM. Hinta on alin tuotteelle sovellettu hinta 1-30 p\x{e4}iv\x{e4}\x{e4} ennen nykyisen hinnan voimaan astumista. Poikkeuksena on, jos asteittain alennuksia on tehty, niin alin hinta n\x{e4}ytet\x{e4}\x{e4}n 1-30 p\x{e4}iv\x{e4}\x{e4} ennen ensimm\x{e4}ist\x{e4} hinnanalennusta.
", 'price_regular' => "alkaen \x{20ac}2.40", 'lowest_price' => "alkaen \x{20ac}1.20" }, 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

45 g.
', 'vat_id' => '2', 'raw' => { 'discount_percentage' => 17, 'lowest_price' => '1.20', 'price' => 2, 'price_regular' => '2.40' }, 'discount_percentage' => 17, 'price_regular' => '2.40', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'position' => 11, 'campaign' => 1, 'property' => { '62' => '', '56' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '51' => '', '33' => '', '50' => [ '1' ], '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '57' => [ 'Vanilja', 'Manteli', 'Suklaa', 'Toffee', 'Cookies & Cream', 'Valkosuklaa', "Hasselp\x{e4}hkin\x{e4}", 'Salted Caramel' ], '70' => '', '76' => '', '71' => '', '52' => [ '1 kpl' ], '66' => '', '61' => [ 'Kasvata lihaksia' ], '60' => [ 'Gelatiini', 'Aspartaami', "Lis\x{e4}tty sokeri" ], '54' => '', '63' => '', '58' => [], '88' => '', '74' => [ '17' ], '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '8' => '', '75' => '' }, 'buyable' => 1, 'availability_id' => 1, 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'price' => 2 }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '3' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-3643_3.jpg?m=1582698032', '2' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-3643_2.jpg?m=1582698027', '4' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-3643_4.jpg?m=1582698037', '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-3643_1.jpg?m=1582697693' } }, 'price_max' => '1.50', 'property_logos' => { '74' => {}, '52' => {}, '57' => {}, '58' => {}, '64' => {}, '85' => {}, '60' => {}, '69' => {}, '50' => {} }, 'type' => 'r', 'text' => 'Pro Bands Protein Barin etu:
  • 17,1 g proteiinia patukkaa kohden.
  • Vain 150 kcal.
  • Minimaalisesti sokeria.
  • Hyvä lihaksille.

Palauta lihaksesi tehokkaalla proteiinipatukalla, joka maistuu hyvältä.

Käytä välipalana tai harjoituksen jälkeen.

45 g
', 'vat_id' => '2', 'formatted' => { 'price' => "\x{20ac}1.50", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}1.50" }, 'categories' => [ { 'id' => '192', 'name' => 'Patukat' }, { 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet', 'id' => '200' }, { 'id' => '215', 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat' }, { 'id' => '581', 'name' => 'Kampanjat' }, { 'id' => '708', 'name' => '' } ], 'raw' => { 'price_regular' => '1.50', 'price' => '1.50' }, 'price_regular' => '1.50', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'position' => 12, 'campaign' => 0, 'buyable' => 1, 'property' => { '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '50' => [ '1' ], '62' => '', '33' => '', '51' => '', '56' => '', '71' => '', '76' => '', '57' => [ 'Mansikka', 'Suklaa', 'Kookos', 'Karamelli', 'Toffee' ], '70' => '', '63' => '', '54' => '', '60' => [ 'Gelatiini', 'Aspartaami', "Lis\x{e4}tty sokeri" ], '58' => [], '52' => [ '1 kpl' ], '61' => '', '66' => '', '69' => [ 'Patukat' ], '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '75' => '', '8' => '', '88' => '', '74' => [ '0' ] }, 'availability_id' => 1, 'text_short' => 'Hyvät proteiinipatukat, joissa on jopa 17,1 g proteiinia patukkaa kohden. Täydellinen lihasten rakentamiseen ja palautumiseen', 'price' => '1.50', 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'create_time' => 1424099211, 'id' => 'PB-3643', 'title' => 'Pro Brands Proteinbar 45 g', 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 13, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-3643_S.jpg?m=1582697695', 'campaign_info' => { 'order' => { 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'start_time' => 0, 'discount' => undef, 'title' => '' }, 'xy' => [], 'gwp' => { 'conditions' => [ { 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' }, { 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' } ], 'gifts' => [] }, 'orderrow' => { 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef, 'discount' => undef, 'start_time' => undef, 'title' => undef } }, 'default_group' => {}, 'url' => '/fi/pro-brands-proteinbar-45-g', 'friendly' => 'pro-brands-proteinbar-45-g', 'price_prefix' => '', 'variations' => [ { 'ean' => '7350021420404', 'variation_properties' => { 'Egenskap' => 'Strawberry/Yoghurt' }, 'title' => 'Pro Brands Proteinbar 45 g Strawberry/Yoghurt', 'variation_properties_translated' => { 'Egenskap' => 'Strawberry/Yoghurt' }, 'id' => 'PB-3643-2', 'manufacturer_id' => '5012', 'inventory' => { 'watchable' => 0, 'back_in_stock' => 0, 'bookable' => 0, 'delivery_time' => { 'max' => 4, 'min' => 2 }, 'availability' => { 'label' => "Varastotuote: 2-4 Ty\x{f6}p\x{e4}iv\x{e4}\x{e4}", 'id' => 1 }, 'buyable' => 1, 'requestable' => 0, 'stock' => 284 } }, { 'title' => 'Pro Brands Proteinbar 45 g Coconut', 'ean' => '7350021420510', 'variation_properties' => { 'Egenskap' => 'Coconut' }, 'manufacturer_id' => '5014', 'variation_properties_translated' => { 'Egenskap' => 'Coconut' }, 'id' => 'PB-3643-4', 'inventory' => { 'watchable' => 0, 'back_in_stock' => 0, 'bookable' => 0, 'delivery_time' => { 'min' => 2, 'max' => 4 }, 'buyable' => 1, 'availability' => { 'id' => 1, 'label' => "Varastotuote: 2-4 Ty\x{f6}p\x{e4}iv\x{e4}\x{e4}" }, 'stock' => 385, 'requestable' => 0 } }, { 'manufacturer_id' => '5013', 'variation_properties_translated' => { 'Egenskap' => 'Chocolate' }, 'id' => 'PB-3643-3', 'inventory' => { 'bookable' => 0, 'delivery_time' => { 'max' => 4, 'min' => 2 }, 'watchable' => 0, 'back_in_stock' => 0, 'availability' => { 'label' => "Varastotuote: 2-4 Ty\x{f6}p\x{e4}iv\x{e4}\x{e4}", 'id' => 1 }, 'buyable' => 1, 'requestable' => 0, 'stock' => 455 }, 'title' => 'Pro Brands Proteinbar 45 g Chocolate', 'variation_properties' => { 'Egenskap' => 'Chocolate' }, 'ean' => '7350021420442' }, { 'id' => 'PB-3643-5', 'variation_properties_translated' => { 'Egenskap' => 'Toffee Caramel' }, 'manufacturer_id' => '5011', 'inventory' => { 'back_in_stock' => 0, 'watchable' => 0, 'delivery_time' => { 'max' => 4, 'min' => 2 }, 'bookable' => 0, 'requestable' => 0, 'stock' => 389, 'buyable' => 1, 'availability' => { 'id' => 1, 'label' => "Varastotuote: 2-4 Ty\x{f6}p\x{e4}iv\x{e4}\x{e4}" } }, 'variation_properties' => { 'Egenskap' => 'Toffee Caramel' }, 'ean' => '7350021420428', 'title' => 'Pro Brands Proteinbar 45 g Toffee Caramel' } ], 'brand' => { 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands', 'id' => '72', 'product_text' => undef, 'name' => 'Pro Brands' }, 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'property_links' => { '58' => [], '64' => [], '85' => [], '69' => [], '60' => [], '50' => [], '74' => [], '52' => [], '57' => [] } }, 'ListProduct' ), bless( { 'raw' => { 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'price' => '52.90', 'price_recommended' => '57.60' }, 'text' => 'Pro Brands Big Bite on suosituimman "Pro Brands Protein bar" -tuotelinjan jatke - joka on esitelty makuvarianteissa "Almond Brownie Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake and Toffee Peanut". Ylellisempi, kermainen vaihtoehto edeltäjälleen.

  • Uskomattoman hyvä
  • 33% proteiinia
  • Hyödyllinen vaihtoehto makeisille

Pro Brands Big Bite voidaan hyödyntää terveellisempänä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapaloille. Jopa 33% proteiinia sisältävänä se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää uhraamatta "hyödyllisyyttä"

45 g.
', 'vat_id' => '2', 'categories' => [ { 'name' => 'Patukat', 'id' => '192' }, { 'name' => 'Elintarvikkeet', 'id' => '200' }, { 'name' => 'Proteiinipatukat', 'id' => '215' }, { 'id' => '581', 'name' => 'Kampanjat' }, { 'id' => '708', 'name' => '' } ], 'formatted' => { 'price_recommended' => "\x{20ac}57.60", 'price_regular' => "\x{20ac}52.90", 'price' => "\x{20ac}52.90" }, 'price_regular' => '52.90', 'hide_campaign_icon' => 'false', 'images' => { 'zoom' => { '1' => '/bilder/artiklar/zoom/PB-74009_1.jpg?m=1675254635' } }, 'price_max' => '52.90', 'property_logos' => { '64' => {}, '69' => {}, '85' => {}, '58' => {}, '57' => {}, '61' => {}, '74' => {}, '70' => {} }, 'type' => 'SA', 'availability_id' => 2, 'property' => { '56' => '', '33' => '', '51' => '', '62' => '', '50' => '', '64' => [ 'Proteiinipatukat' ], '70' => [ "Kyll\x{e4}" ], '57' => [ "Maap\x{e4}hkin\x{e4}", 'Toffee' ], '76' => '', '71' => '', '66' => '', '61' => [ 'Kasvata lihaksia', 'Palautuminen' ], '52' => '', '58' => [], '60' => '', '63' => '', '54' => '', '74' => [ '0' ], '88' => '', '8' => '', '75' => '', '85' => [ 'Patukat' ], '69' => [ 'Patukat' ] }, 'buyable' => 0, 'price' => '52.90', 'text_short' => 'Big Bite voidaan eduksi pitää "hyödyllisenä vaihtoehtona tavallisille suklaapatukoille". Se sisältää jopa 33% proteiinia, ja se sopii sekä harjoittelun jälkeen ja kun olet nälkäinen ja kaipaat jotain todella hyvää', 'position' => 13, 'campaign' => 0, 'title' => '24 x Pro Brands Big Bite 45 g Peanut Toffee', 'number_of_records_in_wishlist' => 0, 'campaign_ids' => [ undef, undef ], 'create_time' => 1675247402, 'id' => 'PB-74009', 'url' => '/fi/24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-peanut-toffee', 'friendly' => '24-x-pro-brands-big-bite-45-g-peanut-toffee', 'brand' => { 'id' => '72', 'name' => 'Pro Brands', 'product_text' => undef, 'url' => '/fi/tuotemerkit/pro-brands' }, 'property_links' => { '70' => [], '74' => [], '61' => [], '57' => [], '58' => [], '85' => [], '69' => [], '64' => [] }, 'product_vat' => '1.1400', 'variations' => [], 'campaign_info' => { 'xy' => [], 'gwp' => { 'gifts' => [], 'conditions' => [ { 'title' => 'Checkout Deals', 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'start_time' => 0, 'end_time' => 0 }, { 'end_time' => 0, 'start_time' => 0, 'show_outside_checkout' => 1, 'id' => 106, 'title' => 'Checkout Deals' } ] }, 'order' => { 'end_time' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'title' => '', 'start_time' => 0, 'discount' => undef }, 'orderrow' => { 'start_time' => undef, 'discount' => undef, 'title' => undef, 'id' => undef, 'type' => undef, 'end_time' => undef } }, 'image' => '/bilder/artiklar/liten/PB-74009_S.jpg?m=1675254636', 'price_recommended' => '57.60', 'default_group' => {} }, 'ListProduct' ) ], 'title' => 'Pro Brands - Patukat', 'custom_title' => undef, 'max_number_of_products' => 28, 'brand_name' => 'Pro Brands', 'friendly' => 'pro-brands/patukat', 'media' => '', 'pagination_tt' => sub { "DUMMY" }, 'group_name' => 'Patukat', 'from' => 1, 'pagination' => sub { "DUMMY" }, 'chosen' => 0, 'sort' => 'Populara', 'group_friendly' => 'patukat', 'html_secondary' => '

Valitse jotain, joka soveltuu sinulle!

Kattavassa valikoimassamme on useita erilaisia terveellisiä patukoita täynnä energiaa ja ravinteita. Täältä voit valita täydelliset ateriankorvikkeet, kuten myös puhtaasti valmistettuja proteiinipatukoita tai dieettipatukoita. Voit valita monen eri maun ja ominaisuuden väliltä ja kokeilla, mitkä patukat sopivat tarpeeseesi parhaiten.

Koska patukoita pitää syödä?

Useimmat patukat toimivat aina välipalana, olipa sitten välipala-aika tai treenihetki. Eri patukat palvelevat eri tarpeita, joten kannattaakin valita oikea patukka oikeaan tarpeeseen.

Useimmat patukkamme voit ostaa suurpakkauksissa alennettuihin hintoihin. Lue lisää eri patukoiden tiedoista.', 'sort_selector' => { 'links' => "Suosituimmat | Kaupan suosikit | Suurin alennus | Nimet A-\x{d6} | Nimet \x{d6}-A | Julkistamisp\x{e4}iv\x{e4} | Alin hinta | Korkein hinta | Tuotemerkki", 'selectbox' => "", 'ul_list' => "", 'select_ul_list' => " " }, 'to' => 14, 'title_path' => 'Pro Brands - Patukat', 'has_filter' => 1, 'embedded_data' => {}, 'total_hits' => 14, 'template' => 'Std', 'group_parent' => '', 'hits' => 14, 'vig_html_secondary' => undef, 'brand_id' => 72, 'brand_friendly' => 'pro-brands', 'filter' => sub { "DUMMY" }, 'breadcrumbs' => [], 'product_group_id' => 192 };
Katso kaikki sisään PRO BRANDS